Shopaholic Mode!

Stress. It can bring out a lot of things from you. Even the hidden part of you. As for me, it switch on   "shopaholic" mode. Look at below to see what I have done.

Lately I have been dealing with lot of pressure as a student; and guilt of not doing good enough in midterm and final. Next year is already catching up and I am now where in position of achievement. And it frustrating to feel that way. Hopefully along the way, I get to suck it up and stop having those thinking, which will only  pull me down. *SIGH*

Anyways, my shopaholic products!!

From Foring store. And I know there is iron beside this. LOL!

From Laamia store. I LOVE the design. Though
my sister call this dress a "sailor" dress. :S

Ring!!<3 Wanted to
have this for a long time!!

Ah! My favourite part of being shopaholic!! I
get to buy a set of this ornaments!!

Hijabi Pin!!! Floral in velvet from "Veiled Glamour"
!! But as the whole fair, it was disappionting hijab and other
collection. :/

Lipbalm!! The best part about this is , that you get
cooling sensation for few minute after applying it on lip!!

Face scrub!!! Now that summer is here, which mean
extra dirt and sweat on my face, so a scrub is a must for me!!

Hand and foot scrub!! As rain will be more frequent during summer I needed a scrub which will remove all those muddy and dirt from my feet!! :)

Okay this is all for now. Next one will be probably about food! :D.


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