Cute GingerBread!!

It is cute,right? Yeah, that why it was hard to eat them,but was really delicious; cuteness did help that deliciousness. Haha.

I was reminiscing to my sister about ginger biscuit. My dad used to buy box of ginger biscuits. Everyone in my family dislike it. Lucky for me, I loved them. But the last time I had that was during class one or two. All the time I did not know the flavor was ginger; I though it was just cookies. It was recent that I realized it was actually ginger biscuit. 

But my sister thought I meant gingerbread, hehe. But I did not correct her because it was so sweet of her to search for it and bought one for me. ^_^  This act of her really made me smile. :) 
Come to think of it, it is  first time I have eaten a gingerbread!!

Having it remind me of all those cartoon where the "mother" character baked whole bunch of gingerbread and bring them out of oven; and that gingerbread trying to escape from human children monster. Only if this gingerbread were actually moving I would have fun running after it. :( :P


  1. WOW! that looks really cute! But I wonder if I am gonna like it. -.- Where did your sister get it from? o.O

  2. Well, it depend on your likeness of ginger. She got it from King's Confectionery. :)


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