My comfort Blanket

For a long time, I have been disappointed in myself and wondered; do I have nothing best in me other than just mere reading skill? I don’t even have great literacy writing skill. Everyone around me seem to have something great; leadership or what not. But watching an episode of once upon a time, where Belle plays prominent role in this episode, and won the episode by using her only good quality-reading. Kudos to writer for making ‘reading’ a badass skill in such action fantasy oriented series, and showing that knowledge from book  is really important in all event. And the episode reminds me that no matter what kind of talent you have, knowledge is supreme of all. And it sure did lift my spirit and helping me to come in term with being just a reader. 

It did not only lifted my confidence; but made me appreciated books more. It was my savior, comfort and my best friend. Most of my childhood, I have been hit rock bottom many times,  and whenever tht moment come,I  seek solace from  book and just read. And It helped me so much; by deviating my mind from myself and escape to character’s thought and world and facts.  While for others was music; it was book for me. While other hanging out with friends, it was book for me.  And while other it was movies for them; it was book from me. Books filled my childhood memories as my comfort blanket.

First ever series book. 

My younger sister's  story book. But I finished it before her :D because it has moonface from omnibus!

THIS! No book could ever take place in my heart forever except Harry Potter!

These are few of many books I have read during my childhood; but hold special meaning for me. Looking all these books, I realized  my choices are generally fall into "magic" "fantasy" genre. *Sigh* I really need to dwell on other genre more. No wonder that I am addicted to series "Once Upon a time!".

Now tell me about yours! What was your comfort blanket during childhood? 


  1. playing video games maybe? -______- whatever.

    1. I see. The last time I played video game was crazy car and super Mario. Hehe.

  2. not to mention you have great writing skills! :D


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