Losing my Voice! :(

I am losing my voice. Figuratively. And that is scaring me.

Lately I have been looking into the wall blankly; without having any though or anything. I used to think all sort of thing but now I am not even thinking about anything at all.

So I decided to do something about it. I am not sure where to start and whether it will help or improve.

So I will start writing up more. So that I don't get lost track of head space and time. And to give my thought more voice.

I have couple of content in plans.It will come by series, or part by part. Once I get better with photoshop,I will rehauled the whole blog style. To give it sense of my personality.

I am sure not many people read my blogs; in fact it is non-existent , but I need to do something with myself. I just cannot sit and stare at wall hoping all this nonsense to go away in a blink of my staring.

So,here to hoping to my consistent writing! Fighting!


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