21 Thing that deaf people are tired of hearing!(Atleast for me anyways)

1)How are you Happy? I am surprised you get to be happy!

   I eat chococate. I watch Masterchef Australia. I cursed a person and laughed about it.  I am laughing at your  stupid question. In brief, eat chocolate and laughter is the best medicine to happiness,yeah?

2)You are  so brave and inspirational.

And I did nothing like that. I  wake up and *sighed* about going to uni or office.
3)You cannot listen to music,right?I wont survive without music! How do you enjoy life?

*goes to pick Over-ear headphone and switch on the music playlist from my lumia phone on maximum volume*

4)Do you wear this ear thing to shower too?

Do you take your dear smartphone that you are glued to shower? I mean you use it almost to the same amount that I use my hearing aid.

5)You speak so well for a people like you.

And you talk sooo ignorant and stupid. Glad that I am  not like people like you.

6)You talk so cute. Almost like a baby!

 And I learned to speak from unicorn in Mar.
7)You don't look like deaf.
  Yeah I am from Mar and got ear on my face.

8)Why do you travel alone? What if, like you get trouble with communication?
   How about you bring a person with you next time  you ask me this question? Because you body would need support when I slap you.

9)Does it hurt to wear the ear thing?

It hurt so bad that blood ooze out of it.
10) Why don't you go for operation to fix your hearing problem?

Why don't you go for operation to fix  your mouth? And brain if you get a discount.

11)You are SOOOO lucky that you get to talk and hear. Some people like me are begging for it.

You are soooooooooo lucky that you did not hear me cursing and kicking you mouth. 

12) You can lipread,right? Tell me what I am saying(*mouthing without sound*)
  You got a cracked lip, dear. Hard to look at your lip. Next time.

13) She just got itsy bitsy hearing problem. But she did everything with RAYS OF COLOUR. (*Me cringing with the choice of word* )

This was one weird one. My sister and mother jointly wrote this letter with this similar sentence under suggestion from my father for my universty admission viva. All I did was to tear that letter off under ray of sunshine.

14)She did school without even needing any kind of help! 
  *Rolls my eye and walk away*

15)She got  this accent because she knows more english than bangla. 
  Atleast I did not get your fake english accent.  And Unicorn language is like that. 

16)Where are you from? Are you from foreign country?

Yes, I am from mar where there are unicorn.

17)I did not ask you for hangout because you know, we were going for a movie theater. You don't go there because no subtitle,right?

And you need a course on "Hiding obvious excuses"

18) What is the use for Sign language? You can talk.

*Quack Quack*  Google it yourself. To make googling more easier, just copy and paste this line "What is the use for Sign Language"

19)Sign Language is so COOL! I wanna learn it! It would be so cool to communicate in secret with friends.

True!! It is really cool *rolled my eye and walked away*

20) What is the signs for "SHIT"? F**K?" "Teach me those words!"

Call your parents  and I will teach you and your parents all these signs for these words.

21)You should be grateful for the thing you got. Despite being deaf, you got so many things? Why are you complaining?

Because of 1)people with bad attitude 2) Audist people. Since clearly some people cannot google this is meaning for audism in wikipedia

"Audism is the notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear or to behave in the manner of one who hears, or that life without hearing is futile and miserable, or an attitude based on pathological thinking which results in a negative stigma toward anyone who does not hear."


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