Interviewed by a reporter!!

It was independence day and I went out with my family outside for experiencing the day. For some reason my dad thought I don't know much about it which had an bad result  that I will be going to talk about later.

I was not really excited about going out there. I had a bad day before and I was unwillingly to go out. I really respect independence day  but it was about my certain things that were happening around me that made me really unenthusiastic about it. 

So we walked around a place which has this array of pictures of freedom fighters; and that kind of picture which show the brutal form of them. Which I mean,  the pictures of them being treated badly and tortured. That made me more.......troubled as ever. I was already troubled with my personal issue and after seeing the pictures it made me feel worse. I was like "Here I was lamenting about my life and these people had it worse. I should stop sulking". So I tried to be bit more, you know, involved with the day. Like looking at every picture and acknowledging each of the people suffering and thanking them for fighting for our freedom.

But then this television reporter came out from nowhere and interviewed my dad. He was giving good speech until he talked about how we were brought up in a non-native land and he took us the museum so that we all could get to know more about history of our native country. When he was telling this I knew the reporter would approached to any of us( by 'us" I mean me and my siblings) for another interview. I was trying to get away from the reporter; but he was too quick. Then I was, like, raising my hand to reject his interview but then my father was about to give him that "deafness" speech to him, and I showed my raised hand to him instead. I love my Dad, but my father " deafness talk" is not good one; the method of doing it and the lines are just....... wrong. 

So then the reporter asked me about the red in the Bangladesh flag.  Seriously?? I did not know what to answer because my mind was too stuck up at that point. Then I just translate the bangla speech that my horrible Bengali teacher gave back in grade 7 I think. I did not even know what was I thinking. I just went on without meaning any word of it. I don't even remember what I said.

Most of the people who have had read my earlier post, know how I am very uncomfortable giving speech. And when I thought I would try to be more involved with the day, that interview have put my effort into drain. Bu still I tried to be you know not think about it too much. *Sigh*

So here is all for today. See you in another post!!


  1. Don't underestimate yourself!! I still remember your final presentation of ENG 101. Everyone loved it! You got 15 out of 16, remember? To tell you the truth, you are quite competent in delivering speeches. And yes, I'd freak out if I were in your place! -___- I would mumble some utter nonsense and get away with it. You, on the other hand, at least tried to give a logical reply to that weird random question! :D


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