Dear Me!

Dear to my Younger self;

1) You are doing great on your studies. Mashallah, you did great job on getting 5 A* on your O level. I am so proud of you. You did it!!

 2) Don't Over study. You are right now, trying too hard to keep your parents happy. Please think about yourself too. Explore other area. Studies is not only thing that will define your future. Skill and talent is.

3) Learn Sign language as soon as possible. It is not weird thing and will definitely help you in future.

4)Don't try to prove to other people including your family that deafness is not interfering your life. They simply won't care. 

5) Stop trying being like a hearing people. It is okay to be deaf.  It is okay not be able to understand songs,music, and group conversation.

6) Don't ask your mother and your siblings  about what they think about other deafness. They will make such a statement that will haunt you forever. 

7)Talk with father more. Unlike others,he is most willingly to hear you out if you explained your problem and thinking.

8)Fight back to your bullies. Not literally, just don't let "you caannot hear . that why you are weak and stupid. No body will ever like you" affect you.

9)You can do absolutely anything. being a deaf and women is not an issue. Just dont lose hope, and keep going.

10) And keep your inside rules intact. It will come in handy for future.

11) It is perfectly normal if you don't have similar dream as your peers; which is dreaming about prince charming sweeping you away.  Right now you want to own a library and read thousands of books. That is great dream.

12) You are too forgiving. It is this nature of yours that will result some people to take advantage n you. Yes it is good to be forgiving but it is not okay when other people including your family  never apologize to you. Just be careful.

13) Don't give up the dream you have. Try and try achieving it.  You will succeeded if you constantly follow your own guts.

14) Last thing I want to say to you, you are AWESOME! 


    By the by, each and every one of us is flawed; most of us like to keep it hidden. I think we just need to try to become better human beings. That's all that matters. And YOU are one of the best people I have come across! Just be the way you are! <3


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