Conversation Format-----#DeafVersion 2

Suzie and Nora: Urghh!!! Suzie: Me first! Today I was watching a new video uploaded by Rikki Poynter. My sister was watching with me. It is her first time watching her video. Before Rikki even finished her line, she said"she have a problem." Seriously? I told her millions of time about her. Yet she said it like that! I wanted to scream at her "So you think having deaf accent is a problem? You mean to say I have a problem?" Nora: Not again! She is still doing that! Suzie: I know, right? I still remember that awful argument we had few years back! I was complaining how my parents was not listening to me about something and she said to straight to my face "But you should be grateful! You cannot be keep complaining all the time! You should be grateful that your parents at least was able to pay for pair of hearing aids! You do know how lot of deaf people cannot have that? They cannot pay for it! You would not be today if it were not for those!" My comp...