Makeup thought..

There is this notion around here that makeup is considered to be....for lazy person. And that it does not suit well with engineering student. There was a girl who wore bright colour lipstick and and has some real good eye makeup on university and people around me commented this " she is must not be a good student. She just waste her time on her face". Often  engineered girl/boys student with fashion sense get judged based on it; that is they are deem to be unfit to be engineered student.

It is kinda sad how some people put other people into box;  I myself have been put into many, many box. Those box are called label.

what is wrong with putting up makeup? Really, what is the deal? Another thing I noticed that in here, anything that associated with lady/girl is taken as......foolish. Girl in engineered section is expected to follow what other man do; because according to some people engineering is a "guy" thing. And since guys don't really use much makeup, girl cannot do either. It is silly, but that is what majority gave answer what I asked them about it; other frequent comment are:  applying makeup is an act of weakness and that being makeup fan and having fashion sense are considered to be not serious about studies. And that makeup is superficial.
It is sad really.

Why it is that whatever majority of girls do is considered as foolish? Or why is that anything weakness come up and is always associated with girls? For example crying. since most people consider it as weakness and linked it to female response. I am sure guys cry too;but no, it is girl thing. Another thing, gossip. Since it is bad, and therefore people linked it with woman too. My male friends gossip more than most of my female friend.

Coming to my makeup point; I guess people need to express their love for makeup more. Even some guys do the makeup. I completely respect them too. If more people express their reason for their love to makeup; there will be less discrimination and judgement toward it. Here it is mine.

The thing about makeup for me is the journey. It actually represent my journey. If I show you a series of my pictures from childhood to now, you will see the changing pattern of no makeup to makeup face.

I had my first lipstick around grade seven and kept using it for seven years. Yeah, that is long years for a product. this is due to many reasons. Partly because my mother used to against to makeup as she considered makeup to be the act of Devil and is used to attract boys and men (now she understand it. she support me on using it. :)  ).Another reason was I loved the lipstick colour and the texture of it and once I loved a thing i keep using it forever. Like I have been wearing my favourite kurti for 4 years. This habit enduring and creepy as well. And not the least, I used it too many years because I did not know "date of expiration" exist on product. Yeah I was pretty dumb at that point.

And I did not use any makeup products other than this lipstick till grade 10. This is where I started using foundation. I was amazed at how my skin look   refined and smooth after the application of it. As usual, I only used it for occasion (Come to think of it I only used foundation at O level farewell party o_O). And now? Lipstick, kajal, bb cream etc. I am trying out different thing. :)

About what makeup mean to me is....confidence. I don know how, I just feel more prepared or the day when I do my makeup every morning; it is like it became a mojo. "Like nothing will go wrong if I believe in myself" mojo. I feel good and energized using it. whenever I am under stress due to studies, doing morning makeup routine take away those stress for few minutes.

That is how I would describe about makeup for me. I don't do it for guys. I do it for myself. :)

Here I said it. I hope that whoever read it come to bit of understanding about it. Before judging people, ask them question. It is better to clear out your question and doubt; it will help you to understand the people and cause less hurt to them.:) World need more understanding and kindness.


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