Conversation Format-----#DeafVersion 2

Suzie and Nora: Urghh!!!

Suzie: Me first! Today I was watching a new video uploaded by Rikki Poynter. My sister was watching with me. It is her first time watching her video. Before Rikki even finished her line, she said"she have a problem." Seriously? I told her millions of time about her. Yet she said it like that!
I wanted to scream at her "So you think having deaf accent is a problem? You mean to say I have a problem?"

Nora: Not again! She is still doing that!

Suzie: I know, right? I still remember that awful argument we had few years back! I was complaining how my parents was not listening to me about something and she said  to straight to my face "But you should be grateful! You cannot be keep complaining all the time! You should be grateful that your parents at least was able to pay for pair of hearing aids! You do know how lot of deaf people cannot have that? They cannot pay for it! You would not be today if it were not for those!"  My complaining was not even related to my deafness.

Nora: Oh god! I know that feeling! feeling that I should be grateful for everything because I am "Unfortunate" one!

Suzie: Yeah! As if I cannot be person without hearing aids! And I cannot even complain about anything!! Even if I complain about not getting a chocolate, people will give this same " grateful" speech!

Nora: Talking about siblings; they can be mood spoiler sometime. When I was around grade 8 or 9, I got a new smaller pair of hearing aids. I was excited! You remember how old analogue hearing aid used to look like?

Suzie: Yeah it was huge and hideous!

Nora: Yeah I was excited about it! So, like I pulled my hair high up in a pony tail, as really loved my new smaller digital hearing aids. Like any other anew accessories, I was walking around my neighour house showing off my new cool hearing aids. Then my sister had to spoil my excitement. She told me " Stop doing that! Nobody care about it! Beside,what is there to be happy about? You should be hiding it!"

Suzie: Oh God! I don't get it! Why our sister is like this! She know me for so many years and yet she still judged deaf speech as a "problem" It is just a accent, sister! Accent differ from place to place; culture to culture, My accent is just different but not a problem.

Nora: Yeah!! And Why I cannot be happy about my new hearing aids? Why should I care whether people are caring about it or not? Why I should be be so embarrassed about my deafness that I need to be hidden?

Suzie: Sibling are supposed to be our best friends! Our most advocator! Our most cheerleader!

Nora:I It is all superiority-inferiority complex. This complex make people like this think a hearing person is better than deaf person.
Suzie: And somehow they act like they have the right to talk down with us.

Nora: Yes! I used to have a dream that my sister will be the first person who I will signed with. That is why I introduced "Switched At Birth" to her. I even watched many episodes with her.

Suzie: Me too!  I thought ,  by showing the show to her, she will understand more about it. She will be interested in sign language. Then we will have quality time over learning sign language together!

Nora: It never happened.

Suzie: And it never will!

Nora: Talking about hearing aids, which color would be best on me? Purple or pink?

Suzie: OOOOH! Are you finally getting rid of beige colour?

Nora: Yeah! I want my hearing aid to pop!

Suzie: Do you know there is bling hearing aids?

Nora: Really?

Suzie: Like this! This one is from Lipreading Mom Website!

Suzie and Nora went on discusiing and browsing  about hearing aid "fashion like teenagers.


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