My Birthday!!!!!

Ah, yesterday was my birthday!!! And how did it go? Well, for starter it was bit messy and all over the place. Since my elder sister is at her third home and the tradition surprise midnight celebration(not surprise actually) had to be planned by my mother and rest of my siblings by themselves.  And it went..............let say I had to  became actress for the night. :P

Then my sister and brother in law( Congratulation to him for opening his own optic chamber!!!)  came over our house to celebrate my birthday. My sister asked me "what is your new resolution for his birthday"?

I did not give any to her question. I just shrugged it off and continued my lunch. 

For many years birthday was all about blowing candle and making wishes. but my views about birthday changed this year; I take it about reflection. On this day I ponder over what I did for the last year; what did I achieved and what aspect of my lives needed to improved. Each passing year we grow and there had to be a day where we sit and take time to reflect our lives. And which day will be better than our own birthday?I am not saying we should take just one day to reflect, you should reflect on other days too. As birthday is the day we were blessed with life; we owe it to this day to reflect to what we did with our life for the last  few years.

So ending my tidbit thought! Have a good day!!!


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