Ramadan Kareem!!

Ramadan is finally here!!! It feel such a new spiritual journey every time Ramadan appear yearly. Unlike new year; which does not make me feel that I am starting on a new year note,  Ramadan is different. It is time to re evaluate your spiritual state. In fact it is also time to make a resolution and practice them throughout the month. I can say this; if you sincerely practice a certain resolution during this Ramadan, it will be effective in future. For example if you wan to control your excessive sugar intake habit; this is for you. If you want to control your anger and behavior;this is for you. If you want to stop an obsession, this is for you. Just anything.  It is far better than making new year resolutions and doing nothing. Because there is saying in hadith 

"Allah's Apostle (صلی الله علیہ وسلم) said, "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the shaitaans are chained."

Which mean there would no waswas(whisper) in your ear; which mean no manipulation by them! So try to instill yourself with good habits and abtain from bad habits because in other time it will be hard to do so with shaitan around. Not saying you cannot do in other time; but it is easier during Ramadan then other time. Once you establish a good habit during Ramadan, it will be effective in other time too.
One thing I love about Ramadan most; is the family gathering around for ifftar and seher. Breaking fast together and initiating fast together is wonderful. It shows we all share the same goal and we are doing it together.It is the only time that a family member is not watching TV during eating time;or having food with books in front of them. Not only that; preparing dishes for iftar together is also another extra points!!!

praying is one of another best thing about Ramadan!! Strangely this is only time that random thoughts does not come to my mind while praying. That really show how difference it make with shaitan chained up there.   And I feel more closer to God than ever during in Ramadan.

And also, self reflect. Bad things or good things; bad choice and good choice; bad intention and good intention and everything. It is best time to reflect. 

But not the least you have to ponder over why Ramadan is special and why we fast. It is this fourth pillar of Islam. And Quran was revealed during Ramadan. And best part is; Allah forgives all sins since last Ramadan. There is so many good things about Ramadan and it will be your loss if you don't understand Ramadan and use it for improving yourself.  And remember for whom you are fasting; it is not about yourself. You are doing it for Allah.

So fellow readers, I wish all the best for this Ramadan! I want to know what is the best thing about Ramadan for you and why. Oh yes what about favorite dish for iftar? My one is Haleem~~~~

<3 <3


  1. The best thing about Ramadan is the increase in taqwa(God consciousness).
    And about the favourite iftaar, I guess it's my mom's custard and also, the pasta!


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