Mr Azad Sir, my respected and dearest math teacher

Today post will be dedicated to Azad sir.

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon

He was not just a teacher; but was a believer in me, and know about my potential more than myself. When I got 5 A* in o level; Everyone,except Azad, sir were surprised about it. But he were not surprised about it; in fact  he knew it. He was like "I knew you would get it. It is no surprised at all"  The fact that he believed in me was one of driving motivation to score a top grade in O level.

My only regret is that I disappointed him for my A level grade. When I first heard my A level grades, first thing that came to my mind “How I will face sir?” He really was looking forward to my A in math;but I did not get that. From that moment I avoided him fearing the disappointment look from him; which now I am regretting. Instead of avoiding I should have tell him How much I appreciated his faith in me; and how much that faith mean to me. If it were not for that I would have  almost given up the mere though that “I could do achieve anything". 

He was not just my math teacher; he was all of my siblings' math teacher too. I named it as "family teacher". He will be forever our family teacher.

It is hard for me because the only person who believed in me when no one did,is no more in the world. I did not even mange to convey how much those meant to me. Too often we student don't express our gratitude and appreciation to teacher who have taught many lessons to us.

I will be forever grateful for his guidance and believing in my potential.  He have my uttermost respect for him.At the end he left the world being a great teacher. He may have left earth as a person; but he will be forever great math teacher in my heart. May Allah grant you a place in Jannah. 


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