I am  hijabi, but it does not mean I am  always quiet and shy person.

I am hijabi, but I laugh loud and clear. 

I am hijabi, sole reason is to follow on Allah command. Not because of men or anyone told me so. 

I am hijabi, but it does not mean I know each and every teaching of Allah. I am still learning in progress. So,dont be surprise when I dont know an answer to islamic question or stare me in horror when I do something wrong. 

I am hijabi, but dont ask me what Allah is thinking or what does Allah think of this or that. I am not sheikh and nobody could tell what Allah is thinking right now.  

I am hijabi , but it does not mean I dont get to make mistake. Like any other muslim, I am flawed one and I do make mistake.

I am hijabi,it does not mean I cannot put on makeup. Like most girls, I LOVE putting on makeup.

I am hijabi, but dont compare me with non-hijabi girl. Recently, a relative commented me that how pretty I looked at a party comparing me to a cousin who did not wear hijab to a party. She said I look pure while that cousin should have wore hijab. While she meant it as a compliment, it pisses me off. If you want to compliment me do so without mentioning other people name. No need to use me as a tool to dégradé others. Strictly, no-no.

I am hijabi, but I talk to men when necessary.  And muslim women are allowed to talk to boy and men; just not to flirt around them.

I am hijabi, but I love hanging out with friends.  And no I am not afraid of going outside!! Hijabi is symbol of islam for women; not binding to house or symbol for doormat.

Being a hijabi does not mean she pray all five time prayers. Some wear out of tradition; or some wear out of restriction from families. And there are other who wear it for the sake of Allah. All depend upon intention. But dont automatically assume a woman who wear scarf mean she is religiously following teaching of Islam.

Being a hijabi does not mean giving people power to comment on "how improper dressing is" like "your hair is showing", "you are wearing half sleeves"  or "you are not supposed to do this". I have found that hijabi girl bear comment about dressing more than those girl who wear tight girl. Ironic much? But nobody should comment on anyone way of dressing in public.

Being hijabi does not mean she automically earned a right to be harami police. It is common to see a hijabi girl saying to another fellow hijabi girl " this is haram! " or " you are not supposed to do that, because it is haraam!"  in public domain. Pointing fingers against muslim in public goes against teaching of Islam. And doing that only reinforce one thing; she is feeling very insecure or inadequate about herself!

Being hijabi does not mean she only can wear black.  Tradition and islamic teaching are two different thing. So don't mix them.

Being hijabi, does not mean their parents are strict. Some are, some are not. Also  being Conservative and being strict are also different. So know about it before you draw to conclusion. 

Being hijabi, does not mean she does not watch movies or series,or have crushes on actors.

Being hijabi,  does not mean she is scary. If you want to talk to her, talk to her. you will only know when you talk to her.

Being hijabi does not mean she is old tradition or cultured girl. Some are, some are not. Like I said tradition and islamic teaching are not same.

Being hijabi does not mean she is a boring person. She could put prank on you, she could make fun of you, so beware of that!!

Being hijabi does not mean she cannot have fun! 

Being hijabi does not mean she is pure. Some are so evil!! Beware of vamp hijabi!

Being hijabi does not mean she is scared of hair!!(I get asked alot. It is ridiculous).

Being hijabi does not mean she is weak. Remember this! The fact she fought against her desire to have hair open show that she have a strong heart!! 

Being hijabi in no way mean she is inferior to men!! 

Last of all, being a hijabi does not mean a piece of clothes over your head. It is also good mannerism,behaviour and proper code of conduct.


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