Smile----Not to Smile?

Many people have been asking me on how I get to stay smiley all the time and what is the key to it.
Some people also have been asking me whether I am hiding my sadness behind my smiley face.
And some of them get surprised when I don't smile. 

Bottom line is they are obsessed with the fact of smile. And I can see why it is that.

Smile is considered the most priceless and precious emotion of all things; everything around you get better(including people mood) when you smile. And I believe that. It lift you up and other people. Smile is also one form of charity; it also could mean kindness. When you smile at people, you are showing friendliness and support. And some people need that. They need positive emotions and optimism. 

But a smile will cost you if you are not genuine about it. If you put up fake smile or force yourself to smile; it become pricey instead of priceless. So what I am saying is, if you don't want to smile, it is okay. There is this notion with expression which I found absurd; when one does not smile or showing any form of  expression most  people ask whether he/she is sad or feeling unwell. Nowadays people call it "Resting" face which mean there are no necessary reason for the expression and taking break from any kind of expression. I called it Passive expression For example,right now, I am typing this whole thing without any expression on my face; does that mean I am bored,or sad or not enjoying typing this? No. Sometime we need a break from any kind of expressions; we don't have to active with showing expression all the time; our face muscle need a break,haha.

While expression is the  way of determining how you feel; it is also way of hiding your feeling. And feeling is the most personal  and intimate thing one can have; that why people are scared of sharing them. Some think of sharing feeling being vulnerable; hence using expression to hide it. It is not only with smile; some put up rude attitude to mask their pain; some put up tough face to prevent people from taking advantage of them. While the reasons are generally understandable; but it also end up affecting yourself and others. One dont have to force an expression against themselves; it only get complicated and if it continued for a looong time, he/she will feel miserable for the rest of their life.When you fake up your expression for a long time you end being unfair to yourself and to others. to yourself because you are bottling up your feeling and becoming more miserable; and to others because the misunderstanding is increasing. Hiding your feeling behind expression will not help you; it will only damage you and your relationship with other people slowly. 

I am not saying to stop smiling. You can smile anytime when you feel like it. But, if you are forcing it on yourself, my advice to you, don't do it. But if you want to try to smile, first come to term with your negative. In order to do that you will have to let yourself to  experience series of emotions such as angry, crying etc to have a genuine smile. Express them especially to your loved one and well wisher. Not only it help to build understanding yourself and loved one; it also will help other people with themselves. They will know there are some people who have similar issue out there and that it is okay not to smile.

It is okay to cry. And it is okay not to smile when you don't feel like it.  Just use smile as a mean of expressing feeling, kindness,happiness ,loving, and also whenever you feel like it. But don't waste that precious smile to hide your feeling.

I am ending this note with my genuine smile. The reason? I just feel like it. :)


  1. Put a smile.. On my face..nice :)

  2. Never thought about it this way! Expressions reveal a lot about a person, indeed.


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