Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!!

If there is one thing that I could say about 2013 it would be this:  it had not been nice to me. And that make  difficult for me to make  resolutions for 2014.  There was some days that were pleasant and happy;but most of the days were dull,unpleasant and depressing for me. Current country situation is not helping either.
On the bright side ; there was couple of good moments. I made few good friends. I learned not to over think about stuffs. But then the thinking part is more of wanting answer to certain things about myself. I think it is called "soul searching".  There was this anime I watched called "Honey and Clover" , where the main guy is confused about his own self. What does he want? What he want to do?.  Not knowing what to do and what your strength play at is lot more harder than you think.

About my resolutions this time I wont make any. Because every time I make resolutions, most of them end up either lost or go unfulfilled, and when it happen I feel like a loser and worthless. It is like telling myself "what? You could not this much?".So I decided I wont make any this time around.   It is 2014 or future turn to make resolution for me. I am leaving surprises and resolutions to Allah. All I can do is to hope that it get better, and pray I gain strength to fight off any thing bad stored for me.

This is all I have in my mind. Nowadays my brain has been hazy, gloomy and inducing too much "sleepy" hormone. I guess it is due to staying at home for too long.

Please 2014, be kind to me this time. I am getting older and you should treat old people with kindness. : P

So how was 2013 to you? Any new year resolution? And again wishing you happy new year. :D


  1. I wanna suggest you something. Rather than making a useless list of resolutions at the beginning of every year, you could write the list of the good stuff happening to you throughout the year. You could jot them down in your journal or something. That way you would not feel like you're worthless which you are absolutely NOT! -.- anyway, check out this video to get a clear idea of what I am trying to tell you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY1_frfcQd0
    And yeah, happy 2014! :D


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