A childhood memory!
When I was just in school age,I used to play this game with my neighbor friends and we called it " College,college"(lame game title, I know). And it was fun because we were creating a short wishful version of our university.Funny how back in those time we wanted to grow up quickly. The game was just kind of making up scenario and playing a part in that We were walking like a proper lady would, carrying bunch of universities books. My friend part was, that she get bumped into a handsome guy, and thus her book would fall down and both reach to pick up the fallen books and while doing so, they share a *first love* eye lock. :P My scenario was----, I was standing on automatic rolling carrier( just like in that cartoon, The Jetsons, where the main man was going to office by those carrier thing), and the path was from dorm to big university campus. I was heading to this imaginary amazing big library where I borrow all those huge books and flash those "made up" m...