What do you do when you are stressed or restless or having panic attack? I eat chocolate. If there is no chocolate around, I bake something that look like chocolate, let say, soft hot delicious brownie! Brownie! Well if I am posting up a picture of brownie, then I am also going to post the picure of chocolate. It would not be fair to chocolate as they have been my comfort food and therapist for a very long,long time and probably will be forever. Gift from my chocolate buddy ! :D Gift from myself :P Gift from a cute friend! Gift from a good friend :D(and it is seriously delicious! I finished it in a day It was that good) I found out why I seek chocolate at the time of my stressful time; apparently e ating chocolate increases the levels of endorphins, a h appy neurotransmitters ,which is released into the brain and helps to reduce stress,pain and and lead to feelings of euphoria. Chocolate also contain Serotonin, oth...