#SignLanguage and Giving Up!
Oh man! Where to even begin? Last few months have been such a turbulence for me in term of my mental health. Those who know me, will probably understand my state. I have been on a mission to try to get my family to learn sign language and to educate them on subjects related to it. My hearing is getting worse. It was already bad in term of frequency range and now on right side it is practically zero. I don't wear hearing aid at right side anymore. I wear at left ear now. And my left ear is soon getting on level with my other ear. Soon enough my ears will be just an decoration for my body. Not really,I think. I wear hijab so it is not like people can see my ear or anything. It will be I guess......appendix version of external organ? I mean appendix is internal organ which become useless as human grows. Oh I am getting bit carried away. I should get back to topic. So after all this, I asked to them to learn sign language for communication sake. I cannot keep relying on l...